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Chemical and Gas Supplier in KANDLA PORT
Marine chemicals supplier in kandla gandhidham. Manufacturer of marine chemical in Kandla Gandhidham. RXSOL group have manufacturing unit in Mumbai and its joint venture company WEST INDIA MARINE INTERNATIONAL is Located on the Gulf of Kutch, Meghpar as it is 30 minutes distance from kandla, one of major ports on west coast INDIA. We are holding no 1 position in Asia. And our company name is famous as one of largest Tank Cleaner supplier in KANDLA, Gandhidham - Gujrat. Our strong network with ship chandlers are making us proud to maintain our RXSOL as top brand name for supply of Air cooler cleaner, Carbon Remover, Electrocleaner, Aquatuff, Hold Block , Hold Wash, Coal Remover, Cement Remover, Antifreeze, Rocor NB, Diesel Guard, Boiler Water Treatment chemicals, cooling water tretment, DI water, Methanol, Alkaline Cleaner, para xylene, Toluene, Acetone, Glycol, Muriatic Acid etc...
Our polymer based descaling chemical ( Descaler ) is very effective to clean hardness deposition of KUTCH mineral scale. And TEEPOL. Deck And Engine Stores supplier in Kandla Port. Marine Chemicals, Engine Stores, Deck Stores, Provision Stores ( Dish Wash, Teepol, Toilet cleaner, Glass cleaner) Cabin Stores, Gases
Most reputed ship chemical suppliers located at Ghandhidham Gujarat near Kandla Port, India. We supply the entire range of Chemical and Gas Supplies with wide range of tank cleaner.
We are keeping ready stock of all required chemicals for Deck And Engine Stores for supply in 30 minutes notice in Kandla Port . Marine Chemicals, Engine Stores maintenance chemical, Deck Stores maintenance chemicals, Provision Stores cleaning chemicals, Cabin cleaning Stores, Gases, Lubricants - Available in Kandla to maintain our no1 Brand in marine field.
Supplier in kandla port Industrial chemical, Cement Remover, Coal Remover, Tank Cleaner, Oil Dispersants, Electric Equipment Maintenance Chemicals, Marine Chemicals, Fuel Additives, Boiler Water treatment chemicals, Cooling water treatment chemicals, Bioclean, Oil Spill Remover, Tank Clean heavy duty, Multi Cleaners, Degreaser, Air cooler cleaner, Tank clean HD/plus, Sea clean plus for Ship Ship Supplier in Kandla Port holding Best in Class supply Service at Kandla Port. WE ARE SPECIALISTS FOR SUPPLYING MARINE & CLEANING CHEMICALS.
West India Chemical International is our Authorized Dealer and Stockist of RXSOL BRAND chemicals for Kandla, Gujrat INDIA. Well known name for Supplier in kandla for Oil Tank Cleaner, Crude oil tank cleaner, Oil product tank cleaner, veg oil cleaner, LAC, Metal Bright, Alkaline Cleaner etc.
Kandla port plays a major role in the country's international trade FOR PURPOSE OF LIQUID STORAGE TANKS. We are one of easy source of tank cleaner directly from manufacturer. No one can match our prices of tank cleaner in KANDLA as we are producing these chemicals in large scale and our bulk manufacturing capacity with local distribution network gives up to sale all chemicals on lowest price. Our economical price will help to keep Clean Ships - Clean Ports - Cleans Oceans.
Kandla Port Marine Suppliers, Serving all Ports in India.
Our Subsidiary group location details can be obtain through this link :::
We are maintaining good stock position in Meghpar, Gujrat for following chemicals...
A. Hardness Controller : RXSOL BRAND Hardness Control 25 Kgs
B. Alkalinity Controller : RXSOL BRAND Alkalinity Control 25 Ltrs
C. Oxygen Scavanger : RXSOL BRAND Oxygen Control 25 Ltrs
D. Sludge Conditioner : RXSOL BRAND Boiler Coagulant 25 Ltrs
Nitrite Borate based corrosion inhibitor – Harmless to ferrous/non ferrous, rubber Jointing materials. ::: RXSOL BRAND Dieselguard NB 25 Kgs
Active Scale Controller & anti foaming Agent. :::RXSOL BRAND Vap Treat Sol 25 Ltrs
A. Electric Cleaner: Di -Electric Strength 31000 volts Quick Drying Type. ::: RXSOL BRAND Electrosol QD 25 Ltrs
B. Carbon Remover ::: RXSOL BRAND Carbon Remover 25 Ltrs
C. Oil Spill Dispersant ::: RXSOL BRAND Oil Spill Dispersant 25 Ltrs/210 Ltrs
D. Bilge Cleaner or Oily Water Separator ::: RXSOL BRAND Bilgo Clean Degreaser for separators and should not harm the operation of oily water separators 25 Ltrs / 210 Ltrs
E. Air Cooler Cleaner for various engine ::: RXSOL BRAND Air Cooler Cleaner 25 Ltrs
F. Descaler suitable for ferrous and non ferrous metal and does not have flash point. ::: RXSOL BRAND Descaling Liquid 25 Ltrs
i) Powder Descaler ::: RXSOL BRAND Safe Acid / Descalex 25Kgs
ii) Concentrated Descaling Liquid ::: RXSOL BRAND Descaling HD 25 Ltrs
G. General Purpose Degreaser ::: RXSOL BRAND Degreaser GP 25 /210 Ltrs
H. Tank Cleaner Heavy Duty ::: RXSOL BRAND Tank Clean HD 25 / 210 Ltrs
I. Rust Stain Remover ::: RXSOL BRAND Rust Stain Remover 25 Ltrs
A. Sludge Dispersant/Fuel Oil Conditioner ::: RXSOL BRAND Fuel Care Treat 25 Ltrs
B. Combustion Improver ::: RXSOL BRAND Diesilite Fuel Combustion
improver25 Ltrs
C. Deposit Modifier/Combustion Improver ::: RXSOL BRAND ValvocareFuel Ad 25 Ltrs
D. Low Temperature Soot Remover the low activation temp. 200 Deg. Centigrade. ::: RXSOL BRAND Soot Remover(P) 25 Kg
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