Primary tabs

Cyanocobalamin is a cobalt-containing coordination compound generated by intestinal microbes, and a natural water-soluble vitamin of the B-complex family that must combine with Intrinsic Factor for absorption by the intestine.
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin involved in metabolism. It is one of eight B vitamins. It is a cofactor in DNA synthesis, in both fatty acid and amino acid metabolism
Cyanocobalamin is a medication used in the management and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiencies. This activity reviews the indications, action, and contraindications for cyanocobalamin as a valuable agent in managing vitamin B12 deficiencies and other off-label uses (and other disorders when applicable).
Cyanocobalamin is a manufactured version of vitamin B12. It's used to treat and prevent vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia (when you have low levels of this vitamin in your body). Your body requires vitamin B12 to make red blood cells.