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Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC) Supplier, Manufacturer, and Distributor in Gujarat, India: West India Chemical

Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC) is a highly effective and versatile disinfectant widely used across various industries for its powerful sanitizing properties. As a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of SDIC in Gujarat, India, West India Chemical is dedicated to providing high-quality products and exceptional service to meet the diverse needs of our clients. 

Understanding Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC)

Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC), also known as sodium dichloroisocyanurate, is a chemical compound with the formula NaDCC. It is commonly available in granular, tablet, and powdered forms and is known for its excellent disinfection and bleaching properties. SDIC releases chlorine when dissolved in water, making it an effective agent for killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae.

Our Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC) Products

At West India Chemical, we offer a range of SDIC products tailored to meet the specific requirements of different industries. Our products are available in various forms, ensuring that our clients receive the right solution for their applications.

Product Varieties

  1. Granular SDIC: This form of SDIC is ideal for large-scale water treatment applications. It dissolves quickly, providing a consistent release of chlorine for effective disinfection.
  2. Tablet SDIC: Our tablet form is perfect for easy and controlled dosing in smaller water systems, pools, and spas. The tablets dissolve slowly, ensuring long-lasting disinfection.
  3. Powdered SDIC: This form is suitable for various disinfection needs, including surface sanitation and emergency water treatment.

Applications of Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC)

SDIC is used in numerous sectors due to its potent disinfecting properties. Here are some key applications of our SDIC products:

1. Water Treatment

SDIC is widely used in water treatment processes to disinfect drinking water and eliminate harmful microorganisms. It is particularly effective in killing bacteria, viruses, and algae, ensuring safe and clean water for consumption. Our high-quality SDIC guarantees efficient water disinfection, helping municipalities and industries maintain public health standards.

2. Swimming Pools and Spas

Maintaining clean and safe water in swimming pools and spas is crucial to prevent waterborne diseases and ensure a pleasant experience for users. SDIC is an excellent choice for pool sanitation, providing a steady release of chlorine to keep water free from pathogens. Our tablet and granular forms are easy to use and highly effective, making pool maintenance straightforward and reliable.

3. Industrial Water Treatment

In industrial settings, SDIC is used to treat cooling towers, process water, and wastewater. It helps control microbial growth, prevent biofouling, and maintain water quality, ensuring the efficiency and longevity of industrial water systems. Our SDIC products are designed to meet the rigorous demands of industrial applications, providing reliable and effective disinfection.

4. Agriculture

SDIC is also used in agricultural settings for disinfecting irrigation water, livestock drinking water, and equipment. It helps prevent the spread of diseases among crops and animals, promoting healthy and productive farming practices. Our products are safe and effective for agricultural use, ensuring optimal results for farmers.

5. Food and Beverage Industry

In the food and beverage industry, SDIC is used for sanitizing equipment, surfaces, and water. It ensures the safety and quality of food products by eliminating harmful microorganisms. Our high-purity SDIC meets the stringent hygiene standards required in food processing and packaging facilities.

6. Emergency Water Treatment

SDIC is an essential component of emergency water treatment kits used during natural disasters and emergencies. It provides a reliable and effective method for disinfecting contaminated water, ensuring access to safe drinking water in critical situations. Our SDIC products are designed for quick and efficient water disinfection in emergency scenarios.

Benefits of Using West India Chemical Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC)

Choosing West India Chemical for your SDIC needs offers several advantages:

1. Superior Quality

Our SDIC products are manufactured using the highest quality raw materials and advanced production techniques. This ensures high purity, consistent performance, and maximum effectiveness in various applications.

2. Customized Solutions

We understand that different clients have unique requirements. Our team works closely with customers to provide tailored SDIC solutions that meet their specific needs, whether for water treatment, industrial processes, or other applications.

3. Expert Technical Support

Our experienced technical team is always available to offer guidance and support. From product selection to application methods, we provide expert advice to ensure optimal results. We also offer training and educational resources to help clients effectively use our SDIC products.

4. Commitment to Safety and Compliance

Safety is our top priority. Our SDIC products are designed to meet the highest safety standards and regulatory requirements. We continuously invest in research and development to create innovative and safe solutions for our clients.

5. Reliable Supply Chain

As a leading SDIC manufacturer and distributor in Gujarat, we maintain a robust supply chain that ensures timely delivery of our products. We keep ample stock to meet client demands, ensuring you never face a shortage of essential chemicals.

How to Use Our Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC)

Using our SDIC products is straightforward. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Identify the Need: Determine the specific application and the required dosage of SDIC.
  2. Select the Right Product: Choose the appropriate form of SDIC (granules, tablets, or powder) based on your application needs.
  3. Follow Instructions: Carefully read and follow the application instructions provided with the product, including dosage rates, methods, and safety precautions.
  4. Monitor Results: After application, monitor the outcomes and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired results.
  5. Regular Maintenance: For ongoing disinfection needs, consider implementing a regular treatment schedule to maintain optimal performance.

Contact Us

For inquiries and orders, please reach out to us at:

West India Chemical


Our dedicated customer service team is ready to assist with all your SDIC needs. We look forward to partnering with you to provide effective and reliable solutions.


Sodium Di-iso cyanurate (SDIC) is a versatile and essential chemical compound used in water treatment, sanitation, and various other applications. At West India Chemical, we are committed to supplying high-quality SDIC products that meet the diverse needs of our clients. As a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor in Gujarat, India, we offer a comprehensive range of products tailored to different applications.

With our expert technical support, customized solutions, and commitment to safety and compliance, West India Chemical is your trusted partner for SDIC. Choose us for reliable and effective chemical solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

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