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Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors in Gujarat, India

In the bustling industrial landscape of Gujarat, a pivotal chemical compound finds its significance across various sectors—Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate. Also known by its chemical formula Na₂HPO₄, this inorganic compound serves a myriad of applications, from food processing to water treatment, making it a vital component in numerous industries. 

Understanding Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate

Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is a highly versatile salt of phosphoric acid, characterized by its ability to form multiple hydrates. This solubility in water makes it an essential ingredient in many applications. Chemically, it acts as a buffer, helping maintain pH stability in solutions, which is crucial in many industrial and biochemical applications.

Key Applications of Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate

  1. Food Industry: In the food sector, Na₂HPO₄ plays a crucial role as a food additive. It is utilized to adjust pH and as an emulsifying agent in processed foods, including cheeses, desserts, and meats. Its ability to modulate acidity and stabilize foods makes it indispensable in the production of canned foods and dairy products.
  2. Pharmaceuticals: In pharmaceutical formulations, Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is used to prepare buffer solutions. It is also a component in the manufacture of laxatives and is used in the production of antacids, helping maintain the desired pH for optimal drug performance and stability.
  3. Water Treatment: The compound is extensively used in water treatment facilities to prevent the formation of scale in boilers and pipes. Its buffering properties help in controlling the pH of water, thus facilitating more effective water purification processes.
  4. Detergents and Cleaning Agents: In the production of detergents, Na₂HPO₄ acts as a builder or a water softener. It enhances the cleaning efficiency of detergents by chelating metal ions in hard water, thus preventing the ions from interfering with the detergent’s action.
  5. Agriculture: In agriculture, it serves as a fertilizer component, providing essential phosphorus for plant growth. It is particularly useful in hydroponic systems where precise nutrient management is crucial.

The Manufacturing Landscape in Gujarat

Gujarat, known for its robust industrial base, is a leading hub for chemical manufacturing in India. The state's strategic location, extensive infrastructure, and favorable government policies foster an ideal environment for the chemical industry, including the production of Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate.

Manufacturers in Gujarat benefit from the proximity to raw materials, skilled labor, and connectivity to major ports for export. The chemical parks and industrial estates spread across the state are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure high-quality production standards and efficient supply chain management.

Connecting with Suppliers and Manufacturers

For businesses looking to source Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate in Gujarat, West India Chemical is a premier point of contact. With a deep understanding of the chemical industry’s nuances and a comprehensive network of suppliers and manufacturers, we facilitate the procurement of high-grade Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate tailored to meet diverse industrial needs.

Product Inquiry: For detailed product specifications, pricing, and order placement, please reach out via email at Our team is dedicated to providing prompt and informed responses to ensure your chemical supply requirements are met with the highest standards of service and reliability.


Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is not just a chemical; it is a backbone in various applications that touch everyday lives. From the foods we eat to the water we drink and the medicines we depend on, it plays a crucial role in enhancing product quality and safety. The manufacturers and suppliers in Gujarat, equipped with advanced technologies and a strategic geographical advantage, are positioned to meet both domestic and international demand effectively.

For stakeholders in industries dependent on high-quality Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate, understanding this compound’s supply dynamics in Gujarat is key to making informed purchasing decisions. With West India Chemical, your journey to securing the best chemical products is assured, guided by expertise and driven by customer satisfaction.

This extensive look into the world of Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate underscores its importance and highlights Gujarat's role as a central player in the global chemical industry landscape.

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