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Industrial Might of Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous in Gujarat, India

In the heart of India's industrial revolution, Gujarat stands as a beacon of manufacturing and chemical processing excellence. Among its notable contributions to the chemical sector is the production of Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous, a compound critical to various industrial applications. West India Chemical proudly takes center stage in this niche, offering unparalleled quality and service in the supply of Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous.

What is Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous?

Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous (FeCl2) is a chemical compound known for its high solubility and effectiveness in water treatment and other industrial processes. It is a solid, pale-green or brownish crystal with a strong affinity for moisture and is typically used in its anhydrous form for more controlled applications.

Production in Gujarat

Gujarat's strategic location on the western coast of India, coupled with its robust infrastructure, makes it an ideal hub for the production of industrial chemicals. Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous is manufactured through a direct synthesis process where iron is reacted with chlorine. This method ensures the purity and efficacy of the compound, making it highly sought after by industries across the globe.

Applications and Uses

  1. Water Treatment: Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous plays a crucial role in the coagulation and flocculation processes in water treatment facilities. It helps in the removal of impurities and clarifies water, making it safe for consumption and use in other applications.
  2. Waste Water Treatment: In wastewater treatment, it is used to reduce odor, remove phosphates and heavy metals, and assist in the dewatering of sludge.
  3. Metal Surface Treatment: It serves as an etchant and a mordant in the metal processing industry, particularly useful in the manufacture of printed circuit boards.
  4. Dyeing Fabric: The textile industry uses it as a mordant in dyeing and printing fabrics, where it helps in fixing the dyes to the fibers.
  5. Chemical Synthesis: It acts as a reagent and catalyst in various chemical syntheses, including the production of other iron compounds and as a reducing agent in organic synthesis.
  6. Agriculture: Used as a micronutrient in fertilizers, Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous provides essential iron to plants, enhancing growth and crop yield.

Quality and Compliance

At West India Chemical, we understand the critical nature of quality in chemical manufacturing. Our Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous is produced under stringent quality control measures, ensuring compliance with both national and international standards. Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to conduct thorough testing and quality assurance on all our products.

Sustainability and Safety Measures

Adhering to environmental safety and sustainability, our manufacturing processes are designed to minimize waste and reduce the ecological footprint. We are committed to safe practices that protect both our employees and the environment. Safety datasheets and handling instructions are provided with all shipments to ensure that our clients can use and store Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous safely and effectively.

Strategic Location and Logistics

Located in the industrial heartland of Gujarat, West India Chemical benefits from excellent logistical advantages. Proximity to major ports and a well-connected transport network ensure that we can deliver our products efficiently and on time, across India and to international markets.

Collaboration and Technical Support

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients. Our technical team is always ready to provide support and advice on the optimal use of Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous in various applications. We collaborate closely with our customers to understand their needs and offer customized solutions.

How to Inquire and Order

For inquiries about our Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous products, please reach out to us via email at Our dedicated customer service team will assist you with product specifications, quotes, and order placement.


As a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of Ferrous Chloride Anhydrous in Gujarat, India, West India Chemical is your trusted partner in industrial chemical solutions. We are dedicated to providing high-quality products tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Trust us to enhance your industrial processes with the best chemical solutions.

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