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Cyclohexylamine Supplier, Manufacturer, and Distributor in Gujarat, India

Cyclohexylamine, a versatile organic compound, is integral to various industrial applications, ranging from water treatment to pharmaceuticals. Its unique chemical properties make it an essential component in many manufacturing processes. As a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of cyclohexylamine in Gujarat, India, West India Chemical is committed to providing high-quality products to meet the diverse needs of our clients. 

What is Cyclohexylamine?

Cyclohexylamine (C6H13N) is an organic compound with a strong odor, resembling that of ammonia. It is a colorless liquid and a primary amine derived from cyclohexane, featuring a six-membered ring structure with an amino group attached to it. Cyclohexylamine is highly reactive and serves as a building block in various chemical syntheses.

Chemical Properties of Cyclohexylamine

  • Molecular Formula: C6H13N
  • Molecular Weight: 99.17 g/mol
  • Boiling Point: 134.5°C
  • Melting Point: -17.7°C
  • Density: 0.867 g/cm³
  • Solubility: Soluble in water and most organic solvents

Applications of Cyclohexylamine

Water Treatment

Cyclohexylamine is extensively used in water treatment processes, particularly in boiler water treatment. It acts as a corrosion inhibitor, protecting the metal surfaces of boilers and condensate systems from corrosion. By forming a protective film on the metal surfaces, cyclohexylamine helps to prolong the life of the equipment and improve efficiency.

Rubber Industry

In the rubber industry, cyclohexylamine is used as an accelerator in the vulcanization process. It helps in speeding up the chemical reaction that cross-links rubber molecules, enhancing the strength, elasticity, and durability of rubber products. Cyclohexylamine is essential in the production of tires, hoses, and other rubber goods.


Cyclohexylamine is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals. It serves as a building block for the production of drugs such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, and antihistamines. Its reactivity and versatility make it a valuable component in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Agricultural Chemicals

In the agricultural sector, cyclohexylamine is used in the production of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. It acts as an intermediate in the synthesis of these chemicals, ensuring their effectiveness in protecting crops from pests and diseases.

Textile Industry

The textile industry utilizes cyclohexylamine in the production of dyes and fabric softeners. It acts as a catalyst and stabilizer in dye formulations, ensuring vibrant and long-lasting colors on fabrics. Cyclohexylamine is also used in fabric softeners to enhance the feel and appearance of textiles.

Chemical Synthesis

Cyclohexylamine is a key intermediate in the synthesis of various chemicals, including corrosion inhibitors, surfactants, and plasticizers. Its reactive amino group makes it a valuable building block in chemical manufacturing processes.

Petroleum Industry

In the petroleum industry, cyclohexylamine is used as a corrosion inhibitor in pipelines and refineries. It helps to protect metal surfaces from the corrosive effects of crude oil and other petroleum products, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of the infrastructure.

Benefits of Using Cyclohexylamine

Effective Corrosion Inhibitor

Cyclohexylamine is known for its excellent corrosion-inhibiting properties. It forms a protective film on metal surfaces, preventing corrosion and prolonging the life of equipment. This makes it essential in water treatment and the petroleum industry.


The versatility of cyclohexylamine allows it to be used in a wide range of applications across multiple industries. Its ability to act as a corrosion inhibitor, accelerator, intermediate, and catalyst makes it a valuable chemical in many sectors.


Using cyclohexylamine can be a cost-effective solution for many industrial processes. Its efficiency and effectiveness in small quantities reduce the need for large amounts, leading to cost savings in raw materials and processing.

Environmental Benefits

Cyclohexylamine is biodegradable and has a low environmental impact when used and disposed of properly. Its use in water treatment helps to prevent corrosion and prolong the life of equipment, reducing the need for replacements and minimizing waste.

Why Choose West India Chemical?

High-Quality Products

At West India Chemical, we are committed to providing high-quality cyclohexylamine that meets the highest standards of purity and performance. Our products are sourced from reputable manufacturers and undergo rigorous quality control processes to ensure consistency and reliability.

Wide Range of Applications

Our cyclohexylamine is suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries. Whether you need it for water treatment, pharmaceuticals, rubber manufacturing, or chemical synthesis, we have the right product for you.

Customized Solutions

We understand that different industries have unique requirements. That's why we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts works closely with you to understand your requirements and recommend the best cyclohexylamine solution for your application.

Excellent Customer Service

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and support. Our knowledgeable and experienced team is always available to answer your questions and provide assistance.

How to Use Cyclohexylamine

Water Treatment

In water treatment, cyclohexylamine is used as a corrosion inhibitor in boiler water systems. The dosage and concentration should be carefully controlled to ensure effective corrosion inhibition while maintaining safe levels for human consumption. Proper mixing and application techniques should be followed to achieve optimal results.

Rubber Industry

In the rubber industry, cyclohexylamine is used as an accelerator in the vulcanization process. The concentration and application methods should be carefully controlled to achieve the desired properties in rubber products. Proper handling and mixing techniques should be followed to ensure high-quality rubber products.


In the pharmaceutical industry, cyclohexylamine is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs. The concentration and reaction conditions should be carefully controlled to ensure the safety and efficacy of the medications. Proper handling and storage procedures should be followed to ensure the quality of the pharmaceutical products.

Agricultural Chemicals

In the agricultural sector, cyclohexylamine is used as an intermediate in the production of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. The concentration and application methods should be carefully controlled to achieve effective crop protection. Proper handling and storage procedures should be followed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the agricultural chemicals.

Textile Industry

In the textile industry, cyclohexylamine is used in the production of dyes and fabric softeners. The concentration and application methods should be carefully controlled to achieve vibrant and long-lasting colors on fabrics. Proper handling and mixing techniques should be followed to ensure high-quality textile products.

Chemical Synthesis

In chemical manufacturing, cyclohexylamine is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various chemicals. The concentration and reaction conditions should be carefully controlled to achieve the desired results. Proper handling and storage procedures should be followed to ensure the quality and safety of the final products.

Petroleum Industry

In the petroleum industry, cyclohexylamine is used as a corrosion inhibitor in pipelines and refineries. The concentration and application methods should be carefully controlled to ensure effective corrosion protection. Proper handling and storage procedures should be followed to ensure the integrity and efficiency of the infrastructure.

Safety and Handling of Cyclohexylamine


Cyclohexylamine should be stored in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area, away from sources of heat and ignition. It should be kept in tightly sealed containers to prevent contamination and evaporation. Proper labeling and segregation from incompatible substances are essential for safe storage.


When handling cyclohexylamine, it is important to use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing, to prevent skin and eye contact. In case of contact, rinse the affected area with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary. Always follow safety guidelines and protocols when handling cyclohexylamine.


Cyclohexylamine should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. It should not be poured down the drain or disposed of in the environment. Contact your local waste disposal authority for guidance on proper disposal methods. Neutralization procedures may be required before disposal to ensure environmental safety.

Environmental Impact

Cyclohexylamine, when used and disposed of properly, has minimal environmental impact. It is biodegradable and breaks down into harmless compounds, making it an environmentally friendly option for various applications. However, it is important to follow proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures to minimize any potential risks to the environment.

Innovations in Cyclohexylamine Production and Use

The field of cyclohexylamine production and use is continually evolving, with new formulations and methods being developed to improve efficiency, safety, and environmental impact. Some of the latest innovations include:

Eco-Friendly Formulations

There is a growing demand for cyclohexylamine formulations that are both effective and environmentally friendly. New formulations that use biodegradable ingredients and less toxic chemicals are being developed to meet this demand. These eco-friendly cyclohexylamine products are safer for the environment and for users.

Advanced Production Techniques

Advancements in production techniques are being explored to improve the efficiency and purity of cyclohexylamine. These techniques aim to reduce the environmental impact of the production process and ensure that the final product meets high-quality standards.

Improved Packaging and Storage

Innovations in packaging and storage solutions are being developed to enhance the stability and shelf life of cyclohexylamine. These improvements help in reducing waste and ensuring that the product remains effective for longer periods.

Case Studies: Successful Cyclohexylamine Projects

To illustrate the effectiveness of our cyclohexylamine products, let's look at a few case studies where West India Chemical's products were used to successfully tackle various challenges.

Case Study 1: Water Treatment Plant

A municipal water treatment plant faced challenges in maintaining safe and clean drinking water for the community. Using West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine, the plant was able to effectively inhibit corrosion in the boiler water systems, prolonging the life of the equipment and ensuring safe drinking water for the residents. The plant's operations improved, and the community's health was safeguarded.

Case Study 2: Rubber Manufacturing

A rubber manufacturing company needed an effective accelerator for the vulcanization process. West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine was used in the production of rubber products, resulting in enhanced strength, elasticity, and durability. The company's products met high-quality standards and customer expectations.

Case Study 3: Pharmaceutical Synthesis

A pharmaceutical company required a high-purity intermediate for the synthesis of an analgesic drug. Using West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine, the company was able to achieve the desired purity and consistency in their drug production. The high-quality cyclohexylamine ensured the safety and efficacy of the final medication.

Case Study 4: Agricultural Chemicals

An agricultural chemical company needed an effective intermediate for the production of a new herbicide. West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine was used in the synthesis of the herbicide, resulting in a highly effective product that protected crops from weeds. The company's sales increased, and farmers benefited from improved crop yields.

Customer Testimonials

Our customers' satisfaction is a testament to the quality and effectiveness of our cyclohexylamine products. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied clients:

Water Treatment

"West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine has been instrumental in maintaining the quality of our boiler water systems. The product's effectiveness in corrosion inhibition has significantly improved our operations and ensured safe drinking water for our community." – Rajesh K., Municipal Water Treatment Plant Manager

Rubber Industry

"We rely on West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine for our rubber manufacturing process. The product's ability to act as an accelerator has resulted in high-quality rubber products that meet our customers' expectations. We're very pleased with the results." – Anjali S., Rubber Manufacturing Company


"West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine has enhanced the quality of our pharmaceutical products. The product's high purity and consistency have ensured the safety and efficacy of our medications. We highly recommend their cyclohexylamine for pharmaceutical applications." – Dr. Ramesh P., Pharmaceutical Company


"Our agricultural chemical formulations depend on West India Chemical's cyclohexylamine for effectiveness. The product's role as an intermediate has ensured the success of our herbicides and pesticides, leading to improved crop protection and increased sales. We're very satisfied with the results." – Sunita D., Agricultural Chemical Company

Product Inquiry

If you are interested in our cyclohexylamine or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you find the best solution for your needs.



Cyclohexylamine is a versatile and essential chemical used in a wide range of applications across various industries. West India Chemical, a trusted supplier, manufacturer, and distributor in Gujarat, India, offers high-quality cyclohexylamine that meets the highest standards of purity and performance. Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and customized solutions makes us the best choice for your cyclohexylamine needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you achieve the best results for your applications.

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