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What is Paint Removers:
Solvent-based paint removers or strippers use chemical solvents to remove old finishes. They are not one chemical, but a combination of chemicals, each with a specific job to do. The active ingredient is usually a chemical called methylene chloride. Some products contain active ingredients other than methylene chloride, but they are not as effective in penetrating, blistering, and lifting the old finish. Other chemicals in paint removers work to accelerate the stripping process, to slow the evaporation of the stripper, and to act as thickening agents. Paint strippers typically come in two forms: liquid and semi-paste. In general, the liquid works faster. The semi-paste is best for all-around work, because it doesn't run or drip when applied to vertical surfaces.
Different grades of paint removers :
1. Paint Remover MC : RXSOL paint Remover MC is a viscous liquid, hydroxide type remover and stripper which is formulated specifically for the removal of multiple layers of paint especially from older surfaces where high pressure cleaning could prove destructive to the substrate. It is also suitable for the removal of vegetative stains from a variety of masonry surfaces. RXSOL paint Remover MC is a specially surfactant base remover which is intended to assist in the removal of high strength coatings such as epoxies, urethanes, and enamels. Its quick reactivity makes it ideal for spot treating areas requiring paint removal (some types of graffiti).
2. Paint Oil Grease Remover : Removes tough oil-based spots like tree sap, tar, blacktop track-off, dried oil-based paint, lipstick, nail polish, rubber and plastic wheel marks, and many inks. Use on any solvent-safe surface including most synthetic and natural fibers and hard surfaces such as glass and tile.
3. Paint Remover : RXSOL-18-1013-25 is a excellent product for removal of paint from tough painted surfaces. Useful in the maintenance of all types of Industrial plant and in the marine industry. It is used to remove paint, varnish, lacquer, baked enamel, shellac, and epoxy from all metallic surfaces. Particularly useful in the shipping industry, workshop and garages.
4. Alkaline rust, scale, carbon and paint remover
RXSOL 1854 is a strongly alkaline liquid concentrate containing sequestrants, surfactants and other additives in aqueous solution. RXSOL 1854 is a general purpose cleaner. It will remove oil, grease, rust, carbon and many types of paint. Rust is removed without attack on the base steel and there is markedly less tendency for re-rusting to occur compared with acid pickling.
Selecting a Work Site while using paint removers:
• The single most important consideration is the availability of fresh air. The best location is outdoors, preferably in a shaded area, a carport, or under some type of cover to shield the work from the sun. The sun will speed up the evaporation of the remover. A garage with windows and doors on two sides to create adequate cross ventilation also can be used. Avoid working indoors if at
all possible.
• If you must work indoors, open all windows and, if possible, all doors to achieve a strong flow of fresh air through the work area. It is advisable to use forced ventilation (fan) to improve the flow of fresh air. Because some removers are flammable, however, be sure to read the instructions on the label before using a fan as the friction between metal parts may spark and ignite the vapors. The label is the key. It will advise you on proper ventilation.
Protection tobe taken :
Use of Protective Equipment
• Safety goggles to completely cover and protect the eyes.
•Rubber gloves Should be chemical-resistant, such as neoprene or butyl.
•Clothing that covers all skin Long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and shoes. If working at eye-level or above, wear a cap or hat.
How to apply the paint removers :
1.Wear chemical-resistant gloves and safety goggles to avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Chemicals in paint removers can be painful and irritating if splashed into the eyes or onto the skin.
2. When you're ready to use the paint remover, Read the entire label before opening the container. Some removers should be shaken by hand before use. Cover the container with a cloth and open the cap slowly to allow for the gradual release of pressure buildup.
3. Carefully pour the remover into a metal container. Replace the cap tightly each time you pour some remover. Store the container in a cool place when not in use. Dip your brush into the metal can and bring out a generous helping of remover.
4. Don't apply the remover as you would paint. In fact, don't brush on the remover in the usual sense; rather, lay it on in much the same way as you would ice a cake. Working in one direction, preferably on a flat surface, a pply the remover to an area of about two square feet at a time. If you are working on a vertical surface, such as a table leg, start at the top and work down. In about five
minutes you will see the remover working--the surface will begin to peel and blister.
5.Don't try to rush the remover.The time required for the stripper to remove the old finish varies among products. The label will specify the time required, but generally it ranges from 15 to 20 minutes. As the stripper penetrates the old finish, it forms air tight layers. If you try to rush the scraper, the result will be a sticky goo that is next to impossible to remove.
6. While the remover is working, bide your time. Get some fresh air, away from the work site, to reduce your exposure to the paint removing chemicals. You may even want to polish handles, rings, or other ornamental hardware while you're waiting fo r the remover to do its work.
7. When the remover has done its work, it's time to remove the resulting sludge. A gentle scraping with a dull putty knife will take the residue right off. Scrape away from you, and go with the grain to minimize the effect of any scratches made wit h the blade. On carved or grooved surfaces, a toothpick, coarse twine, or old toothbrush can greatly aid the removal process. Wipe off your tools frequently on newspaper.
8. The object is to remove all the old finish from one section at a time. The first section or two will be a trial and error process until you determine how many coats of paint you are trying to remove. On very old furniture with many coats of paint, several soak and scrape operations may be required. Wait the full time for each layer you add, and be equally generous with each successive coat.
Cleanup and Disposal :
1. After you finish a section, wrap the remover/old finish in a thick fold of newspaper and place it outdoors, where the liquid will evaporate more quickly.
2. After each work session, place all other papers, rags, applicators, and waste (old-finish residue) outdoors. Be sure to collect all of the residue, as the old paint may contain harmful materials.
3. When the liquid has evaporated (it typically evaporates very fast), place all these materials into a metal container that has a secure lid.
4. You can then dispose of the material according to local waste disposal requirements. Contact your local sanitation department or waste disposal contractor for more information.
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