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Alkaline Detergents: Your Reliable Supplier, Manufacturer, and Distributor in Gujarat, India

In the dynamic industrial and commercial landscape of Gujarat, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is critical. Alkaline detergents, known for their powerful cleaning capabilities, play an essential role across various sectors. West India Chemical, a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of alkaline detergents in Gujarat, is dedicated to providing high-quality cleaning solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses and industries. 

Understanding Alkaline Detergents

Alkaline detergents are cleaning agents formulated with alkaline compounds to enhance their grease-cutting and dirt-removing abilities. These detergents are characterized by their high pH levels, typically ranging from 8 to 14, making them highly effective in breaking down tough stains and contaminants.

Chemical Composition and Mechanism

The primary components of alkaline detergents include:

  • Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): A strong base that breaks down fats and oils through saponification.
  • Sodium Metasilicate: Provides buffering capacity and aids in the removal of particulate soils.
  • Phosphates: Enhance cleaning efficiency by softening water and preventing re-deposition of soils.
  • Surfactants: Reduce surface tension, allowing the detergent to penetrate and lift away dirt and grease.

Applications of Alkaline Detergents

  1. Industrial Cleaning: Alkaline detergents are extensively used in factories and manufacturing units to clean heavy machinery, equipment, and industrial floors. Their ability to dissolve grease and oil deposits makes them ideal for maintaining cleanliness and operational efficiency.
  2. Commercial Kitchens: In the food service industry, alkaline detergents are indispensable for cleaning ovens, grills, and countertops. They effectively remove stubborn grease and food residues, ensuring a hygienic environment.
  3. Healthcare Facilities: Alkaline detergents play a crucial role in maintaining hygiene in hospitals and clinics. They help remove organic contaminants and prevent the spread of infections, contributing to a safer healthcare environment.
  4. Automotive Industry: These detergents are used for degreasing engines and cleaning automotive parts. Their powerful cleaning action ensures that vehicle components remain free from oil and grime, enhancing performance and longevity.
  5. Textile Industry: In the textile industry, alkaline detergents are used in the pre-treatment processes of fabrics. They help remove natural oils, waxes, and other impurities from fibers, preparing them for further processing and dyeing.
  6. Household Cleaning: Alkaline detergents are also popular in household cleaning products. They are effective in cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas prone to grease and grime buildup.

Benefits of Using Alkaline Detergents

  • Powerful Cleaning Action: The high pH level of alkaline detergents makes them highly effective in breaking down and removing oily and greasy stains.
  • Versatility: These detergents are suitable for a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery cleaning to household chores.
  • Cost-Effective: Due to their efficient cleaning properties, less product is needed to achieve effective results, reducing overall cleaning costs.
  • Environmental Considerations: Many modern formulations of alkaline detergents are designed to be biodegradable, minimizing their environmental impact.
  • Enhanced Safety: Alkaline detergents help maintain a clean and hygienic environment, reducing the risk of contamination and health hazards.

Why Choose West India Chemical?

West India Chemical offers a comprehensive range of alkaline detergents, crafted with the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Our products are formulated to cater to the specific needs of various industries in Gujarat, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

  • Quality Assurance: Every batch of detergent is rigorously tested to meet stringent quality standards, ensuring consistent performance.
  • Custom Solutions: We provide detergents tailored to specific industrial needs and cleaning challenges, delivering targeted solutions for your business.
  • Expert Support: Our team of experts offers advice and support to help you choose the perfect detergent for your application, ensuring you get the best results.
  • Timely Delivery: With a well-organized distribution network across Gujarat, we ensure timely delivery of products, minimizing downtime and disruptions.

How to Use Alkaline Detergents Effectively

  1. Dilution Ratios: Follow the recommended dilution ratios for optimal cleaning performance. Over-concentration can cause damage to surfaces, while under-concentration may not provide effective cleaning.
  2. Application Methods: Use appropriate tools and equipment for applying the detergent, such as spray bottles, mop systems, or automated cleaning machines, depending on the application.
  3. Safety Precautions: Always wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, when handling alkaline detergents to prevent skin and eye irritation.
  4. Contact Time: Allow the detergent to sit on the surface for the recommended contact time to effectively break down and remove contaminants.
  5. Rinsing: Thoroughly rinse surfaces with clean water after cleaning to remove any residual detergent, preventing potential damage or contamination.


How to Purchase

For inquiries and purchases, contact us at Our dedicated customer service team is ready to assist you with product selection, usage guidelines, and order placements, ensuring a seamless buying experience.


Alkaline detergents from West India Chemical are your ideal choice in Gujarat for tackling tough cleaning jobs across various industries. With our expertly formulated products and dedicated support, we empower businesses to maintain high standards of cleanliness and efficiency. Contact us today to enhance your cleaning processes with our superior alkaline detergents.

For detailed information on our products and services, or to start an order, reach out to us via email. Your cleanliness is our priority!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What makes alkaline detergents different from other cleaning agents?

Alkaline detergents have a high pH level, which makes them highly effective at breaking down organic materials such as grease, oils, and proteins. This differentiates them from neutral or acidic detergents, which may not be as effective in these applications.

2. Are alkaline detergents safe for all surfaces?

While alkaline detergents are effective on many surfaces, they can be too harsh for certain materials such as aluminum, wool, and silk. Always test a small area first and follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

3. Can I use alkaline detergents for household cleaning?

Yes, alkaline detergents are versatile and can be used for household cleaning tasks, particularly in areas that accumulate grease and grime, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

4. How do I store alkaline detergents?

Store alkaline detergents in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets. Ensure the containers are tightly sealed to prevent spillage and contamination.

5. What should I do in case of accidental contact with skin or eyes?

In case of contact with skin, rinse thoroughly with water. If it gets into the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention if irritation persists. Always follow the safety instructions provided on the product label.

For more information and personalized advice, feel free to reach out to our expert team at We're here to help you achieve the best cleaning results with our premium alkaline detergents.

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