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Cheap in Price & Best in quality Marine Chemicals: Ship chandler in Gujrat

Our Marine Chemicals are safe and effective. Earth friendly formulation makes these products safe for cleaning a variety of materials. 
All-purpose everyday cleaners, solvents, antifoams, etc, you can use our Marine Chemicals just about anywhere:

Deck Cleaning

  • Wood cleaner
  • Metal brightener
  • Polish
  • Multi-surface cleaner

Engine Room

Ship chander Marine Chemical product


West India Chem unique approach to chemical distribution offers a variety of products and services tailored to fit the needs of each customer. Our extensive product knowledge and industry experience support our commitment to provide creative sourcing solutions and value-added options for your business.

Marine Chemicals for ship chandlers

West India Chem Supplies are a nominated RXSOL provider and stock an extensive range of Rxsol marine products including many of their most popular products. Rxsol is a brand leader in the supply of offshore cleaners and marine chemicals with a huge range of cleaning products for the marine and offshore sector. The product ranges includes testing kits, hand cleaners, cleaners for water tanks, fuel tanks, holds, and decks.
